Infamovs, hailing from Coquimbo in Chile, have released their first album Under the Seals of Death. The growled lyrics are supposedly dealing with topics like the occult, ancient deities, and indigenous culture and history.
Regardless of the lyrical theme, Infamovs are here to bring vintage death metal. No elements of melodic death metal at all here – think early Deicide or early Morbid Angel. Forward-moving, fast, filthy death metal without remorse for the living nor dying is what Infamovs are bringing us.
While there is nothing very new in the music of Infamovs (besides the cross-over to slow doom at the beginning of “Dawn of the Black Dance” perhaps), because their goal is to bring vintage death metal, filled with nostalgia as we could expect is, the energy of these young Chileans is relentless. They punch away the tracks with an energy that makes you want to run around the house growling and shaking your fist like a possessed demon.
Some elements to improve, some space for improvement and a bit more originality is what is missing to elevate Under the Seals of Death to a higher level. If Infamovs keep this energy and this drive in their music, then the death metal scene may be surprised by the potential of these Chileans.
Into the Death
Dawn of the Black Dance
Call Upon Blasphemovs
Impure Plaguiarisms
God of Pestilence
Of Force and Plague
Serpent of Sin
Label: Memento Mori
Score: 7/10