Like last year’s ‘Rerum’ Lotus Thief’s new opus is once more dedicated to literature.
Specifically ‘ Gramarye’ is actually an old medieval word for ‘book of grammar or sorcery’, which in itself already reflects the close relationship between literature and magic. What else do written words of fiction do if not conjure up into reality thoughts and images that before only existed in someone else’s mind. Books are quite literally tomes of magic. All this esoteric philosophizing aside, Louts Thief’s second album concentrates on five books specifically: from the Egyptian book of the Dead over Homer’s Odyssey’ and the medieval ‘Merseburg Incantations’ to Aleister Crowley’s ‘Book of Lies’. The musical language it uses as a conveying vessel is an amalgam of black metal, shoegaze rock and ambient. Considering half the band is made up of members of the experimental nature loving outfit Botanist it’s not surprising you do find some elements of comparison there. This only makes up half of this mystical spell they weave though, the ethereal, almost sacral vocal delivery completes the incantation in melancholic beauty.
- The Book of the Dead
- Circe
- The book of Lies
- Salem
- Idisi
Label: Prophecy Productions