
Somewhere on the intersection of black metal, pagan metal, and the odd bit of power metal, resides the Finnish band Wyrd. The 9th album of this band is Death of the Sun.


Let me say first – Wyrd have a lot going on on Death of the Sun, and it mostly leaves me confused as to where they actually wanted to go. The vocalist uses a wide array of styles, and does not master all of them equally.

Being mostly a band rooted in the pagan and folk scene, Wyrd uses the ubiquitous softer passages in between. Some of these beautifully atmospheric, but some, unfortunately just sound like somewhere playing with the options of his keyboard.

While I appreciate how Wyrd are trying to expand their universe, with adding hints of even power metal, at times Death of the Sun sound like a collection of oddities rather than a solid album. If they'd be able to keep a common thought throughout the album, they'd be on to something. But until then, they're trying to shoot the moon.


  1. Death of the Sun
  2. Man of Silent Waters
  3. The Sleepless and the Dead
  4. Pale Departure
  5. The Pale Hours
  6. Inside
  7. Cursed Be the Men
  8. Where Spirits Walk the Earth
  9. Rust Feathers

Label: Moribund Records


Score: 7/10


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