Wolvserpent, a duo hailing from Boise, Idaho, have released their third album Aporia:Kala:Ananta. The album consists of just a single track, and is a masterpiece of atmosphere.
Haunting strings, claustrophobic soundscapes and stretched drone – Wolvserpent proof that they are the masters of avant-garde doom.
The duo behind Wolvserpent are trained classical musician, who take doom and drone metal bands like Sunn O))) as their inspiration, as well as modern composers Arvo Part and Gyorgy Ligeti. The result is an album that will completely absorb you.
Aporia:Kala:Ananta is food for thought for all of us who want to taste something new. Curious lovers of modernist classical music as well as fans of doom/drone and dark ambient should check out this album to get a glimpse of the future.
- Aporia:Kala:Ananta
Label: Relapse records
Website: https://www.facebook.com/wolvserpent/
Score: 8,5/10