1. lothloryen.jpgLothlöryen, hailing from Brazil, have released their fifth album with Principles of a Past Tomorrow. In their home country, Lothlöryen are popular, and were named “Best Band of the Year” and “Best Album of the Year” in 2005.

    The style of Lothlöryen is a mixture of folk metal, power metal, pagan metal and symphonic metal. At times, this combination of influences results in layered, complex tracks with tons of variety, such as in “God is Many” and “Manipulative Ways”. Unfortunately, at times, the mixture sounds confusing, or -too often on this album- very standard elements of these genres are juxtaposed into a bland cocktail of elements we have already heard too often.

    While Lothlöryen put a lot of effort in the arrangement of their songs, also reflected by the large number of guest musicians, the recording and mixing quality could be improved. With many guest contributions, samples and other sounds introduced in the tracks, a sound balance is of the utmost importance when recording – and this feat has not been achieved in this album.

    Folk metal fans, you might want to check Principles of a Past Tomorrow if you love an album with voice samples of Stephen Hawking. Otherwise, just skip this record.


    a Journey Begins
  2. Heretic Change
    God is Many
  3. Time Will Tell
  4. Manipulative Waves
  5. Night is Calling
  6. And Dowland Plays
  7. The Convict
  8. The Quest is On
  9. Who Made the Maker?
  10. The Law and the Insider
  11. Wavery Time

    Label: Self-released

    Website: https://www.facebook.com/lothloryenofficial

    Score: 6,5/10

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