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The extreme metal band Kataklysm is bringing its own beer brand to the masses of Belgium and The Netherlands. It is called St-Tabarnak and is in fact a blonde beer with 6.66% alcohol. This devilish beer is pissing off angels.
On 30 July, all kinds creatures and people will gather on the domain of Kasteel Keukenhof in Lisse (The Netherlands) for Castlefest, the annual high mass of Fantasy and Pagan folk of the Benelux.
Summer has arrived, big time. Staying up late and enjoying a nice fresh pint of beer. Or enjoying the sun during the day, some icecream. This is wat sumertime looks like. Europe has had warm temperature's for a week now. But since monday Earth has descided to turn up the heat big time.
Many metalfans will find this study very good and amusic news. The university of Queensland, USA has found out that extreme music such as heavy metal provides stress relief and calms you down.
The Antwerp Zoo organizes the Annual Belle Epoque picknick again! In what is quickly becoming an annual tradition. This will take place on 20 and 21 july.
Epic-News was just released. Dutch symphonic metal band Epic has announced they will create their very own metal fest. Epica will play on Graspop main stage on 19 july.