KLIMT 1918 - Sentimentale Jugend
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- Written by Samoht
Klimt 1918; a reference to the post-modernist artist Gustav Klimt who died in 1918, is an Italian indie band formed by the Soeliner brothers Marco and Paolo.
BETHLEHEM - Bethlehem
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- Written by Samoht
Just in time for the yuletide season, come Germany’s favorite carol singers Bethlehem.
RANGER - Speed & Violence
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- Written by Samoht
Metallica might be striving to relive the heyday of there early speed metal days with their latest album, but Finnish troupe Ranger take it one step further.
T.O.M.B -. Fury Nocturnus
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- Written by Samoht
Total Occultic Mechanical Blasphemy or T.O.M.B. is an experimental musical initiative going back 18 years that has produced a dozen or releases so far.
Spotlight: Fleddy Melculy - Geen vlees, wel vis
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- Written by Amaris
Yes you read that right, this band is called Fleddy Melculy. no spelling mistakes, no typo's. This Belgian collective has been making music and albums for a few years already. Providing no nonsense plain straightforward metal with catchy lyrics, and they do sing in Dutch. For Belgians they don't need an introduction at all but for others out there they are probably new. So a few days ago they just dropped their new single on the net.
THE VON DEER SKULLS - The Rest is Silence
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- Written by Eva Lantsoght
The Von Deer Skulls are promoted as doom and post-metal. While I am still trying to wrap my head around what the hell I am listening to with The Rest is Silence, I agree with their promotors that they are a wacky combination of doom, Prog Metal, Ambient, Industrial and Post-Rock. I'm just not sure how this all works or does not work together.
IN FLAMES - Battles
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- Written by Annet Wolters
A smooth and mysterious sound opens this album, continued with a whispering voice. ‘We were so close to heaven, but we ended up in hell’. ‘Drained’, the song that will fill you’re heart again after it’s been left empty.