drughonkey.jpgDrug Honkey, hailing from the USA, bring doom/death metal in their own way. The added a nightmarish, psychedelic sauce over their work that sets them apart from the rest of the death/doom scene.

On Cloak of Skies, Drug Honkey bring a special atmosphere that crawls under your skin. However, for achieving this atmosphere, they use a lot of sound effects – which is by moments the weakness of Cloak of Skies: sometimes, the main message gets lost under all the effects.

While I appreciate the effort Drug Honkey are taking to craft their sound and set themselves apart from the pack in their own special way, it feels like they have focused too much on all bells and whistles, and have forgotten about the basics of doom/death and a good riff. A bit more cleaning up of the foundations, and a bit less ornaments on the facade would make Drug Honkey's house a more welcoming venue.


  1. Pool of Failure
  2. Sickening Wasteoid
  3. Outlet of Hatred
  4. (It's Not) The Way
  5. The Oblivion Of An Opiate Nod
  6. Cloak of Skies (ft. saxofone by Bruce Lamont of YAKUZA)
  7. Pool of Failure (Justin K. Broadrick REMIX)



Label: Transcending Obscurity Records


Score: 7/10


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