Read more ...British newcomers Witchsorrow just released their 2nd album ‘God Curse Us on Rise Above Records, which is already being hailed as one the brightest hopes for British doom that has washed up on Albion’s shores in some time. Being a dyed in the wool fan of the genre as well, frontman Necroskull shares his love for all things doom with us.

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Things are going well for the Finnish protagonists Oddland.  After a , pardon the pun, odd twist of fate upon winning their national  Suomi Metal Star contest, they landed a contract with  Century Media, the first result of which is their new album, the intriguingly monikered ‘The Treachery of Senses .Mien man and singer  Sakari takes us to Finland, Spain and back.

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Out of the seemingly in exhaustive pool of Finnish funeral doom, comes Profetus who have just released their sophomore album ‘To Open the Passages in Dusk…’ After a raving review in your favorite webzine, Darkview contacted keyboard player S. Kujansuu and guitarist V. Kujansuu about why they are so passionate about this excruciatingly slow type of music

Read more ...Omdat hun passage op frostrock zo goed is blijven hangen, en dat met de paganfest tour ook hun nieuwe CD aan bod kwam. Was het meer dan tijd om een interview los te laten op de stoere mannen van het Heidevolk. Rowan was meer dan bereid om ons te woord te staan.

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Chauvinistisch als we zijn, verdienen metalbands van eigen bodem toch wel een extra duwtje in de rug. Zeker als het om het in ons land bizar genoeg ondervertegenwoordigde genre van de female fronted metal is. Met hun debuut ‘For Queen en Metal kroont Nightqueen zich dan ook meteen tot de voorvechter van de metal en toont dat de frontvrouwen bij ons ook serieuze cojones hebben.

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The guy's of Elmsfire where on our wish list to have a talk with for quite some time. And now with the new release we finally had this opportunity. All our questions have received an answer and those you can read below.

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