visions_of_atlantis_delta.jpgDe mensen van VOA hebben een nieuwe cd uit. En wij waren benieuwd wat zij zelf ervan vonden. tijd om een steengoede band aan de tand te voelen! Hoe ons gesprek verliep lees je hieronder.

Visions of atlantis. I assume you believe in the myths?
I believe in it in many ways.I believe that every culture will collapse at the highest point of their decadence. I believe in a basic spirit or culture that spread it’s ideas all over the globe in ancient times. The fact that only one guy wrote about it may be the evidence for Atlantis never existing but almost everything else he wrote has a profound historical or geographical backgroung. But to be serious I don’t really want to know if it really existed. It would take away all mystery and imagination.

Where did you get inspiration for the Delta album?

While martin took his inspiration from experiences and changes in his personal life, I read a lot and watched a lot of movies and documentaries concerning religions,society,atlantis,mythology  and stuff like that.

You still got that typical Voa sound but halfway the cd that suddenly changes. Why?

I don’t know,I have to less distance to the work to be objective.I think it depends on the listener.If you are more into songs like seven seas and memento then you might be right.if you are more into songs like “flow this desert” or “my darkside home” you might just have the opposite feeling.

Over the years there where a lot of band changes and vocalist changes. Did the dynamics of the band changed or did the band got stronger because of it?
We definitely got stronger and everybody has his different fields of activities within the band.

How would the fans react on the new cd?

The reactions are very good so far

You already stood a few times in belgium, how is the audience compared to other gigs?
The audience is very interested in music and sincere.We always had a good time in Belgium.

Do you have any routine before stepping unstage?

We wish us good luck and then everybody tries to reach the perfect playing mood.I am very calm before the show and try to make myself familiar with the stage

Whats the coolest experience that happened during touring?
We once partied the whole night with some serious gangsters in Taiwan.

What are your  must have goals in the future, with the band?
To play wacken.But this we do this summer.

Is there something you would like to say to all the people that will be reading this?

Thank you for the attention ;-)
See you on the road!

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